Bluearth Water Solutions LLP
Farming In India
India’s agriculture sector accounts for about 15.9 % of the country’s US$ 2.7 trillion economy and 49% of employment (2018-19). Viewed from the socio- economic point, agriculture is the most important sector that needs focus and attention at all levels. The call of the Government of India to achieve the goal of Doubling Farmer’s Income by 2022, in a way, epitomizes the need to pursue all possible ways of increasing the agricultural productivity and profitability of the farmers. It also touches upon the need to accelerate our efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of ending hunger, poverty, and malnutrition in a sustainable manner. Agriculture cannot be seen in isolation. It should be seen as an integral part of a larger ecosystem spanning the entire primary sector including horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, dairy, poultry, and other allied activities.
The problems of Indian Agriculture are well known
1) Small Holdings - making the farms unviable
2) Lack of Latest Technology - this is a problem keeping the farmers in backwardness and indebtedness
3) Lack of International Linkages - ristricting the farmers produce to local area exploitation.